Why preregister research?

By preregistering research, you create a public record of your hypotheses and planned analyses before you conduct them, so that you can later demonstrate that you did not change hypotheses after learning your results (HARKing; Kerr, 1998), nor that you changed the analysis to create a specific result. This increases the credibility of your findings, and is increasingly becoming the standard in our field.

Questionable research practices

Preregistration is all about proving that we don't engage in questionable research practices (QRPs).

Preregistration as a solution

see also

Registered reports are a special case of preregistration, where the study plan is peer-reviewed as part of the publication process. They merit their own entry.

Preregistrations can be augmented or supplanted by alternative methods that may be more practical. Srivastava (2018) describes these strategies for sound inference in complicated research.